TITLE: Star Wars Poster Recreation
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
HARDWARE: Windows 11 Pro
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Drawing
PROFESSOR: Mike Nussbeck
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: The final project for this class was to recreate a movie poster with your favorite movie. Star Wars has always been my favorite move, specifically Revenge of the Sith, due to the fall of the Jedi’s chosen one; Anakin Skywalker. I wanted to encapsulate the final showdown between him and Obi-Wan with the fiery backdrop of Mustafar, with the split face of Anakin and his future, Darth Vader. I wanted to improve my techniques with the vector painting on skin tones, and I believe I succeeded this time! Did you notice the shadowy silhouette surrounding him?
TITLE: Family of Time
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
HARDWARE: Windows 11
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Drawing
PROFESSOR: Mike Nussbeck
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I mainly practice in drawing cartoons rather than realistic portraits, I used my aunt Brandy as a reference when creating this piece. I like the vector art style and this was my first time using filters to “see” the colors within the skin of a real person. It is a bit rough, with lines sometimes not curving properly around the eyes, specially since they convey the intentions of a person. The lips could be dulled down, and the colors a bit darker. Overall though, I’m very impressed on how she turned out.
TITLE: Simple Green Apple
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
HARDWARE: Windows 11
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Drawing
PROFESSOR: Mike Nussbeck
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: A basic apple using the pen tool along with the brush tool and manipulations of filters and shadows. I mainly use Illustrator for cartoon works and wanted to make an item a bit semi-realistic without the use of thick lines. I love how the shading fell around the curves of the apple, to apply depth to a 2D image, as the tools I used are ones I never really touch. I’m happy to see that I was able to capture the light refraction on the surface of the apple.
TITLE: Velma, Scooby Doo
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
HARDWARE: Windows 11
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Drawing
PROFESSOR: Mike Nussbeck
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: I grew up watching the original Scooby Doo and Velma was always my favorite, so this was used from a blurry or pixelated, so I created her using the line tool, with 2 thicknesses to recreate that iconic look they used for the show. But I have an issue with layers as she took 56 layers to complete.
TITLE: Ice-cream Storyboard
MEDIA: Digital Illustration
SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator
HARDWARE: Windows 11
CLASS: FMX 207 Digital Drawing
PROFESSOR: Mike Nussbeck
INSTITUTION: University of Tampa
DESCRIPTION: This was our first project, in making a marketing storyboard of either spaghetti, Ice cream, or toys. I like ice-cream as there’s many flavors along with children especially liking the cold dessert. Our prompt was to showcase a child, trying to sneak away a few spoonful’s from the parents, with them turning their backs to the child for a bowl, only to return to see the child had eaten their whole share. I went with a more anime style look with this type of marketing for the story board. I like that in animation or cartoons that you can exaggerate facial expressions, which is why I chose to make the baby more expressive to show the want and need for the sugary dessert.